Town Board Minutes for April 8, 2002

Posted: April 8, 2002

*Public Hearing and Town Board Meeting

The Town Board of the Town of Sun Prairie met on Monday April 8, 2002 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall, 5556 Twin Lane Road.

Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by chairperson Lyle Updike. Supervisors Vernon Pogue and Doug Yelk, clerk Claudia Quick, deputy clerk Joan Rademacher and highway patrolman Dennis Farrell were present. Eighteen additional people attended the meeting.

Statement of Public Notice. The chair directed that the minutes show that notice of the Town Board meeting was published in the April 3, 2002 issue of The Star. The agenda was also faxed to the Capital Times. Copies were posted on the three town bulletin boards on April 5, 2002.

Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting. Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to approve the minutes of the March 25, 2002 meeting. Motion carried.

Presentation from the Public. None.

Report on Town Roads

  • Discussion on the detour signs placed in the town because of the construction on State Road 19. Dennis may be posting Bailey Road from Bird Street to County Road N order to limit large truck traffic.
  • Medina Road bridge – Ayres Associates estimate the additional costs of surveying and the re-running of the proposed culvert at $1500.
  • Duffy Bros. Inc. will be starting their project this month. Dennis Farrell will be taking photos to document the condition of Berlin Road and Twin Lane Road. The chair suggested that Mr. Farrell send a cover letter and a map of the routes with photos to Mr. Duffy.
  • Vernon Pogue asked if Dennis Farrell could watch the blacktopping of the Public Safety Building in Marshall.

*Public Hearing – Consider and Take Action re: Petition for a Conditional Use Permit #1773 for Mineral Extraction Operation, sec. 12. The chair opened the public hearing. Mr. Jerry Raemisch reported on the planned mineral extraction operation. F. C. Raemisch plans on taking out 20,000 -25,000 cubic yards of material to be used in a portion of the State Road 19 reconstruction. Construction will be finished by the end of September .The hours of operation would be from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The items discussed were: signage, dust control and construction questions. Residents with questions were encouraged to call the Dept. of Transportation field office located in Deansville; visit the Town of Sun Prairie web site; or contact the Town office. The chair closed the public hearing. Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to approve the conditional use permit for mineral extraction with the following conditions:

Close and restore the extraction area
Control dust.
Hours of operation – 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Motion carried.

Consider and Take Action re: G. Geier request to extend buildable area on his lot. No action was taken. Mr. Geier will come back with a new CSM and an exact proposal at a future meeting.

Consider and Take Action re: CSM for T. Viken, sec. 26. Mr. Viken presented the CSM for approval with the following conditions. The maximum building setback line is within 400 feet of the road; the ditch is within the remaining agricultural land; and the adjoining use language is added. Moved by Doug Yelk, second by Vernon Pogue to approve the CSM. Motion carried.

Consider Preliminary Plans by R. Schworck for creation of residential lots in sec. 24. M. Schworck presented his plan for creating lots in section 24. The board consensus was that there are several issues to be addressed and to come back at a later date with a revised proposal.

Reconsider Resolution concerning fees for services. The board discussed the fees for computer diskettes and audio tapes. Moved by Doug Yelk to amend the resolution of March 11, 2002 to have the fees for diskettes and audiotapes to be $1.25 each, second by Vernon Pogue. Motion carried.

Consider Request for Operator License by S. Blaska-Morfey. Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to approve the operator license for S. Blaska-Morfey. Motion carried.

Audit and Pay Bills. The board reviewed the invoice listing. Moved by Lyle Updike, second by Doug Yelk to approve the payment of bills as presented. Motion carried.

Old Business/New Business

  • The planning commission has set up a meeting between the planners of the Village of Cottage Grove and the City of Sun Prairie to talk about the ETJ areas and to have a better understanding of each other’s plans. Meeting is to be on May 13, 2002.
  •  Village of Marshall is considering buying the old EMS building. Will match the highest offer less the broker fees. Will be used for a youth center.
  • Prepare for Annual Meeting Birrenkott Surveying has a video of the drain tile that runs through the Savannah Valley Plat. This video will be shown at the annual meeting.


  • RPC meeting is on April 11, 2002.
  • Charter Communications – the town will not be receiving franchise fees on cable modem service.

Set Next Meeting Date/Adjournment. The next meeting date was set for Monday, April 22, 2002 at 7:30 P.M. Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m.

Correct Attest,

Joan M. Rademacher, Deputy Clerk