Plan Commission Minutes for December 20, 2004

Posted: December 20, 2004
  1. Call to Order. The regular meeting of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Roger Fetterly. Members present other than Chairman Fetterly were: Kennan Crothers, Jennifer Deuster-Loesch, Alan Meyer, Judy Stang and Doug Yelk. One member, Carl Williamson was absent and excused. Also present was Claudia Quick, Town Clerk.
  2. Public Notice. Notice of the meeting was posted on three town bulletin boards on December 14, 2004 and was mailed to members on the same date.
  3. Minutes Approval. Hearing no objections, Chairman Fetterly approved the minutes of the November 15, 2004 meeting.
  4. Public Comment. There was no public comment.
  5. Public Hearing on Application #9130/Ultimate Construction by Scott Foley. Chairman Fetterly opened the public hearing to allow comment on application #9130 by Scott Foley (representing Ultimate Construction, Inc.) to rezone 2.95 acres from A-1 (Ex) Agriculture to LC-1, Limited Commercial as a storage facility for equipment, material and supplies for an existing construction business at 5230 Pierceville Road, Section 26, Town of Sun Prairie. No one appeared to give public testimony and Chairman Fetterly closed the public hearing.
  6. Action on Application #9130/Ultimate Construction by Scott Foley. In discussion, various questions where raised on the following items: (1) hours of operation – 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., (2) specifics of planned outside storage – licensed vehicles/trailers once new building complete, (3) restroom facilities – currently port-a-potty with plans for a septic system, (4) electrical supply – adequate, (5) size of new storage building – 80″x100″ with plans to include brickwork, (6) landscaping/screening – plans for fence with landscaping, (7) lighted business sign – plans for brick pillars with spotlight on sign – some residents are bothered by excessive light, and (8) what buildings are to remain on the property – chicken coop and home until they need to be rebuilt. Motion by Stang/Deuster-Loesch to approve application #9130 to rezone 2.95 acres from A-1 (Ex) Agriculture to LC-1, Limited Commercial as a storage facility for equipment, material and supplies for an existing construction business at 5230 Pierceville Road, Section 26, Town of Sun Prairie with the following conditions: (1) outside storage is limited to licensed vehicles after 12-31-2006, (2) the hours of operation are limited to 6:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m., and (3) the business sign lighting will be limited to the hours of operation. The motion carried with six ayes and one absent.
  7. Consideration and Action on Preliminary Plan by Kirk Blaska. Chairman Fetterly commenced discussion on the preliminary plan by Kirk Blaska represented by Francis Blaska to rezone 1.0 acre from A-1 (Ex) Agriculture to A-2 Agriculture to separate by a certified survey map an existing accessory building used for personal storage from a 37.64 acre parcel at 2101 Yelk Road in Section 14, Town of Sun Prairie. Francis Blaska presented the plan and answered questions as to the reasons for his desire to rezone (transfer the land to his son, who put up the accessory building some years prior for his storage needs, so it is no longer on Francis Blaska’s tax bill and so that each child will have received an acre of land from him). Francis Blaska also answered questions as to the layout of the land for the laying of a driveway and culvert as there currently are none. Motion by Yelk/Stang to give preliminary approval to the preliminary plan to rezone 1.0 acre from A-1 (Ex) Agriculture to A-2 Agriculture to separate by a certified survey map an existing accessory building used for personal storage from a 37.64 acre parcel at 2101 Yelk Road in Section 14, Town of Sun Prairie with the following conditions: (1) that a driveway and culvert be installed, and (2) that there be a deed restriction for no further residential development. The motion carried with six ayes and one absent.
  8. Consideration and Action on Preliminary Plan by Alden Bosben. Chairman Fetterly commenced discussion on the preliminary plan by Alden Bosben to rezone 1.4 acres of a 61.382 acre parcel from A-1 (Ex) Agriculture to RH-1 Rural Home for a single family residence at the south end of JB Farm Road in Section 29, Town of Sun Prairie. Alden Bosben presented his preliminary plan and answered questions as to his plans (the layout of the land, wetness of portion of the land, wooded area on land, driveway would be much shorter than previous plan, home would be situated on an angle, home would abut a town road, home would fit with the residential character of road, and home would not be situated in the middle of productive farm land). Chairman Fetterly distributed the Land Evaluation Analysis of Soil Management Units (LESA) of the subject land. The analysis showed a weighted score of 86.1 which demonstrates productive farmland and dictates against development per the Town’s Comprehensive Plan Appendix E subparagraph E subparagraph 2. There was lengthy discussion as to any other possible solutions given Mr. Bosben’s family and farming ties to the land as well as a review of flood plain maps as well as the location of nearby creeks. In discussion, it was noted that the LESA score does not take into account whether or not soil is too wet too farm as drain tiles can be installed. It was also noted, that in the future this site may be a candidate for designation as an area for potential residential development.Motion by Stang/Yelk to give preliminary approval to the preliminary plan to rezone 1.4 acres of a 61.382 acre parcel from A-1 (Ex) Agriculture to RH-1 Rural Home for a single family residence at the south end of JB Farm Road in Section 29, Town of Sun Prairie with a deed restriction prohibiting further residential development. The motion failed. The roll call vote was as follows: Meyer/Deuster-Loesch/Crothers/Fetterly/Yelk voted Nay while Stang voted Aye and Williamson was absent.
  9. Report on Town Committees.
    Joint Ad Hoc Committee of the Village of Cottage Grove and the Town of Sun Prairie. Doug Yelk reported that things are progressing.

Land Trust Commission. Roger Fetterly reported that the commission has not yet met.
Next Agenda. It was noted that Fred Schuster, Yer Yang, and Kennan Crothers would most likely be on the agenda.

Next Regular Meeting Date. The next regular meeting of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission was set for January 17, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.

Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Submitted for the record,

Jennifer A. Deuster-Loesch, Secretary

It is possible that members of and a possible quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above stated meeting to gather information; no action will be taken by any other governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice.

Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to attend the meeting should contact the clerk’s office at 837-6688.