Town Board Minutes for September 24, 2007

Posted: September 24, 2007

The Town Board of the Town of Sun Prairie met on Monday, September 24, 2007, at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, 5556 Twin Lane Road, Marshall, WI.

Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by chairperson Lyle Updike.  Supervisors Vernon Pogue and Doug Yelk and clerk Claudia Quick were present.  Others in attendance were Jose and Maria Balderas, Henry Gobel and Fred Schuster.

Statement of Public Notice. The chair directed that the minutes show notice of the meeting was published in the September 20, 2007 issue of The Star; notice was also faxed to the Capital Times.  Copies were also posted on the three town bulletin boards on September 21, 2007.

Pledge of Allegiance. Vernon Pogue led the pledge.

Approve Minutes of Prior Meetings.   Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2007 Town Board Meeting.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Moved by Vernon Pogue and second by Doug Yelk to approve the corrected August 27, 2007 minutes.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Presentation from the Public.  None.

Allow Public Comment, Consider and Take Action re:  Petition #9749 by Jose Balderas to change the zoning from A-1 Ex Ag to C-2 Commercial on property located at 4406 CTH TT, sect 32.  The plan commission has forwarded their recommendation to the Town Board.  They recommend approval with some restrictions.  Moved by Doug Yelk, second by Vernon Pogue to approve the zoning change from A-1 Ex Ag to C-2 Commercial and to allow the following uses in the C-1 district C-1 (1)(c) (e) limited to offices, (j) (k) (l) (o).  In addition the following C-2 uses are allowed 10.14(1)(b)(c) (d) limited to recreational equipment rental, sales and service and (s).  The following conditions were added:  1) Hours of operation are limited to 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.  2) Outdoor lighting shall not be disruptive to neighboring property owners.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Consider and Take Action re:  Preliminary CSM for J. Balderas.  Moved by Doug Yelk, second by Vernon Pogue to approve the preliminary CSM with the addition of the neighboring use language.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Allow Public Comment – Consider and Take Action re:  Preliminary/Final Plat Review for Schuster LLC consisting of one lot, Prospector Lane, section 12.  Moved by Doug Yelk, second by Vernon Pogue to approve the final plat with a suggestion that the Developers Agreement for Drovers Woods First Addition be amended to include the same provisions for the Drovers Woods Second Addition.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Review and Take Action re:  Developers Agreement/Letter of Credit.  Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to approved the Developers Agreement with the requirement that $3,000.00 be added to the letter of credit for the new lot.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Consider and Take Action re:  Petition #9733 by Steve Drunasky, as amended by the County/Town.  The Town required that there be an access easement shown on the CSM to enable the existing driveway to serve as a joint driveway for both lots.  In addition the Town requires a joint driveway agreement be recorded within 90 days of the rezone date.  Moved by Doug Yelk, second by Vernon Pogue to approve as amended.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Consider and Take Action re:  Preliminary Adoption of Amend to the Town Weight Limit Ordinance.  Amend to include Twin Lane Road.  Moved by Lyle Updike, second by Doug Yelk to give preliminary approval to an amendment to the Town Weight Limit Ordinance.  The amendment would add Twin Lane Road, north of the Railroad tracks, to the list of roads requiring a permit to exceed the 10-ton limit.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Audit and Pay Bills.  The Board reviewed the list of invoices for September.  Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to pay the bills with the addition of the convention registration fee.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Set Next Meeting Date/Adjournment.  The next meeting date was set for October 8, 2007, at 7:30 p.m.  Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to adjourn the meeting at   8:30 p.m.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Correct Attest,

Claudia J. Quick, Municipal Clerk

Town of Sun Prairie