Plan Commission Minutes for September 17th, 2007

Posted: October 9, 2007
  1. Call to Order. The regular meeting of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Roger Fetterly. Members present other than Chairman Fetterly were: Doug Yelk, Judy Stang, Alan Meyer, Dot Havens , John Quimby and Keenan Crothers. Also present was Claudia Quick, Town Clerk
  2. Public Notice. Notice of the meeting was posted on the three Town bulletin boards on September and was mailed out to applicants the same day.
  3. Approval of the Minutes.  Hearing no objections, Chairman Fetterly approved the minutes of the last meeting.
  4. Public Comment. There was no comment for the public.
  5. Public Hearing on Petition #9749 and CUP #2049 by Jose Balderas.  Applicant proposing to rezone 1.42 acres from A-1 (Ex) Agriculture to C-2 Commercial to conform with the adjacent La Rue Fields zoning at 4406 CTH TT. There was no comment from the public.
  6. Consider and Take Action on the Balderas petition.  Permitted uses, from the Dane County Ordinances, for the Balderas petition in the C-1 zoning district were deemed to be: C, D — excluding medical and dental offices, E ‘offices’ only, J, K, L and 0. In the C-2 section, the following are the agreed upon uses: B, C, D — striking ‘sales of new and used mobile homes’ and S. Member Yelk made a motion to approve the petition with the above named as acceptable uses and striking mini-warehouses as well. Member Crothers seconded. Motion carried. Member Yelk then made a motion to amend the motion to include operation hours to be 5am to 10 pm and all outdoor lighting to be non-disruptive to neighboring properties. Member Stang seconded. Motion carried.
  7. Consider and Take Action on the Preliminary1Final Plat Review Submitted by Schuster LLC.  Chairman Fetterly asked Mr. Schuster if he will adopt the Covenants and Developers Agreement from the first phase of his plat and Mr. Schuster indicated that he would. Member Crothers made a motion and Member Quimby seconded. Motion carried.
  8. Consider and Take Action on a Preliminary Plan by Wayne and Beverly Wolf. Applicants proposing to rezone 5.2 acres if a 6.83 acre parcel from RH-2 Rural Homes to A-1 (Ex) Agriculture to return residential land to farmland and accommodate the sale of the remaining residential parcel at 2864 CTH T. Member Stang made a motion and Member Havens seconded. Motion carried.
  9. Review Draft Ordinance Amendment of Proposed Design Standards. The Board deemed that the Plan Commission is to perform all design review and corrections to the form provided were as follows: (b)(1) a add ‘per lot’ at the end, (c)(4) c — strike ‘within residential development’, (c)(4) d — shall ‘where practical’ be… and berms, not beams, (i) ‘adjacent’ instead of accent and (j) ‘queing’ without the extra ‘u’.
  10. Consider Boundary Issues with Adjacent Municipalities.  Chairman Fetterly indicated that there was nothing new to discuss.
  11. Plan for Community Participation in Updating the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Fetterly stated that Claudia Quick will get some part time help and be fabricating a newsletter for the Townspeople.
  12. Set Next Regular Meeting Date. The next regular meeting date of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission was scheduled for October 15th at 7:00 p.m.
  13. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for the record, this 9th day of October, 2007

Kennan L Crothers Secretary