Town Board Minutes for March 10, 2008

Posted: March 10, 2008

The Town Board of the Town of Sun Prairie met on Monday, March 10, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, 5556 Twin Lane Road, Marshall, WI.

Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by chairperson Lyle Updike. Supervisors Vernon Pogue and Doug Yelk and clerk Claudia Quick were present. Dane County Deputy Brad Schroeder and four other people were also present.

Statement of Public Notice. The chair directed that the minutes show notice of the meeting was published in the March 6, 2008 issue of The Star; notice was also faxed to the Capital Times. Copies were also posted on the three town bulletin boards on March 6, 2008.

Pledge of Allegiance. Vernon Pogue led the pledge.

Approve Minutes of Prior Meetings. Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to approve the minutes of the February 25, 2008 Town Board meeting.
Voting Aye: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Presentation from the Public. None

Consider and Take Action re: Request for second driveway by C&D Horstmeyer, property located at 2655 Sylver Ridge Lane. Doug Horstmeyer indicated that they are considering purchase of the property at the intersection of Alvin and Sylver Ridge. They would like to put a detached garage in the rear yard, east of the residence. In order to access the garage they would like a separate driveway directly to the garage. Moved by Doug Yelk, second by Vernon Pogue to approve a second access as indicated by Doug Horstmeyer.
Voting Aye: Updike, Pogue and Yelk
Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Consider and Take Action re: Variance from DCCO for setback requirements H Kuhman and P Bullwinkel. The owners/residents of 3577 Bailey Road explained that they began some repairs and structural changes on buildings on their property only to learn that they needed a zoning permit, because the structures are within the right of way of Bailey Road. At this time they are seeking variance from the Dane County Code of Ordinance concerning setback requirements. Old maps of the Town Road and the property indicated that at some point reconstruction and reconfiguration of the intersection with CTH T might have caused the south portion of Bailey Road to be moved to the east. Moved by Doug Yelk, second by Vernon Pogue to support the request for a variance.
Voting Aye: Updike, Pogue and Yelk
Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Report on Town Roads. Board would like to do a road tour in the spring.

Consider and Take Action re: Village of Marshall Request for Arbitration regarding EMS. Judge Albert is unable to serve as the town’s arbitrator. Attorney Hazelbaker will make a contact with an attorney who may act as arbitrator. Motion by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to retain the person which Mark suggests as the arbitrator for the Town of Sun Prairie.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Discuss Hiring Town Official to do town roadwork. The chair indicated that the item of paying a town board member to plow would be brought up at the annual meeting. The electors need to give approval and vote on the hourly wage.

Clerk Report Ordinance regarding door to door sales. The clerk questioned whether the board want to have an ordinance requiring permits to do door to door sales in the Town. There was no comment by the board.  Weather radios The clerk indicated that the County would be offering the discounted weather radios again. She will request 100. Last year the office sold 300.  Park lease The Town’s lease concerning the Drovers Woods Park specifically indicated Park Commission.  Annual meeting Ideas for Annual meeting agenda. Hiring of Town official for snow plowing emergency. Resolution regarding equipment to be discarded or sold.

Audit and Pay Bills. The Board reviewed the list of invoices for March. Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to pay the bills, with the addition of the handwritten items.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Set Next Meeting Date/Adjournment. The next meeting date was set for March 24, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Correct Attest,
Claudia J. Quick, Clerk