Town Board Minutes for December 8, 2008

Posted: December 8, 2008

The Town Board of the Town of Sun Prairie met on Monday, December 8, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, 5556 Twin Lane Road, Marshall, WI.

Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by chairperson Lyle Updike. Supervisors Vernon Pogue and Doug Yelk and clerk Claudia Quick.

Statement of Public Notice. The chair directed that the minutes show notice of the meeting was published in the December 4 issue of The Star. Copies were also posted on the three town bulletin boards on December 4, 2008.

Pledge of Allegiance. Vernon Pogue led the pledge.

Approve Minutes of Prior Meetings. Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to approve the minutes of the November 24 Budget Hearing, Town Meeting of the Electors and Town Board meeting as written.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Presentation from the Public. none

Report on Roads. Dennis Farrell was not at the meeting. The most recent prices for the tractor without a loader, to be purchased in 2009 were available and shared with the Board.

R. Benesh complaint re: Trespassing Ms. Benesh was not present. Several weeks ago She called the clerk and express her unhappiness about people trespassing on her farm field. The incident occurred when the town allowed an interested person cut a tree from the right of way, which the Town highway crew intended to have a contractor cut. No action was taken.

Consider and Take Action re: Agreement  to Participate in Dane County’s Hazard Mitigation Program. The County will begin the process of updating their Hazard Mitigation Plan. The purpose of the plan is to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to the people and property of Dane County from the affects of natural hazard events. Motion was made by Doug Yelk, second by Vernon Pogue to participate in the Dane County Hazard Mitigation Program.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Consider Preliminary Adoption of Town Solid Waste Ordinance. Following discussion the consensus was that this item should be researched more and put on future agenda. No action taken.

Audit and Pay Bills. The Board reviewed the list of invoices. Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to pay the November bills.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Take Action re: DCTA 2009 dues schedule.   Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to approve the proposed 2009 dues schedule with the increase and cap.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Authorize Clerk and Chairperson to pay end of year invoices, in absence of regular meeting. Moved by Doug Yelk, second by Vernon Pogue to approve the payment of the remaining 2008 invoices as reviewed by the chair.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Report on EMS Arbitration. The chair indicated there was nothing new to report.

Old Business/New Business

  • Reviewed a new cost estimate on 2009 tractor purchase

Issues to Consider for Future Agendas

  • EMS Arbitration

Set Next Meeting Date/Adjournment. The next meeting date was set for January 12 at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Vernon Pogue, second by Doug Yelk to adjourn the meeting at 8:30p.m.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Claudia J Quick, Clerk

Town of Sun Prairie