Plan Commission Minutes for January 19, 2009

Posted: January 19, 2009
  1. Call to Order: The regular meeting of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Chairman Roger Fetterly, Doug Yelk, Dot Havens, Judy Stang, John Quimby and Kerman Crothers. Absent-excused: Al Meyer_ Also present was Claudia Quick, Town Clerk.
  2. Public Notice: Notice of the meeting was mailed to Plan Commission members and posted on the three Town bulletin boards on January 13th.
  3. Approval of the Minute: Minutes of the December 15th, 2008 meeting were approved as issued.
  4. Public Comment. There was no comment from the public.
  5. Consider and Take Action on a Preliminary Plan by Blair Moldenhauer. Applicant proposing to rezone approximately 1.0 acre of a 36.94 acre parcel from RH-4 Rural Homes to B-1 Local Business to allow construction of a dental office with 2 second floor residential apartments and approval of a conditional use permit for the residential apartments on the North side of Deer Creek Run. Member Crothers made a motion to approve the proposal, calling it a Concept Plan, with restrictions from 10.11 2 (d) and for the CUP, 10.11 3 (a). Member Quimby seconded. Motion carried.
  6. Consider and Take Action on a Preliminary Plan by Jeffrey Zimmerman. Applicant proposing to rezone 1-2 acres of a farm from A-1(Ex) to RH-1 Rural Homes to separate an existing farm house from the remainder of the farm at 4973 Ridge Road. Member Yelk made a motion to approve and Member Stang seconded it. Motion carried.
  7.  Consider and Take Action to Update and Amend the Town’s Land Division Ordinance to be Consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan 2003-2023, as Amended. Chairman Fetterly went through all proposed changes and accepted several modifications/corrections to the plan to be issued at the next meeting in full.
  8. Set Next Regular Meeting Date. The next regular meeting date for the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission is scheduled for February 16th, at 7pm.
  9. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted for the record this 20th day of January, 2009,

Kennan L Crothers Secretary