Town Board Agenda for December 14, 2009

Posted: December 7, 2009

Time:  7:30 p.m.


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Statement of Public Notice.
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting.
  5. Presentation from the Public.
  6. Town Road Report.
  7. Consider and Take Action re:  Adoption of Town Hazard Mitigation Plan.
  8. Consider and Take Action re:  Appoint of Election Inspectors, 2 yr term.
  9. Consider and Take Action re:  Adoption of Fee Schedule.
  10. Consider and Take Action re:  County Emergency Radio Comm. Network.
  11. Consider and Take Action re:  County Resolution Authorizing Dane County Membership in the Dane County Transit Authority.
  12. Consider and Take Action re: Amended County Zoning petition 10107
  13. Consider and Take Action re: Direct Annexation Petition
  14. Consider Changing Town Board Meeting times.
  15. Audit and Pay Bills.
    1. Authorize additional loan payment
    2. Authorize Clerk and Chair to pay end of yr bills.
  16. Old Business/New Business
  17. Correspondence.
  18. Set Next Meeting Date/Business/Adjournment

Claudia J. Quick, Town Clerk

Persons needing special accommodations should contact the Clerk’s office 837-6688 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.