Town Board Minutes for September 27, 2010

Posted: September 27, 2010

Regular Town Board Meeting

Call to Order. Chairperson L Updike called the regular semi-monthly meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 5556 Twin Lane Road.  Supervisors V Pogue and D Yelk, Clerk C Quick, Treasurer C Yelk, Office Assistant J Ramsfield, Road Patrolman D Farrell, B Fenske and T O’Connell were present.

Statement of Public Notice:  The chair directed that the minutes show notice of the meeting was published in the September 23, 2010 issue of The Star and posted on the three town bulletin boards September 22, 2010.

Pledge of Allegiance:  D Yelk led the pledge.

Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting: Moved by V Pogue second by D Yelk, to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2010 Town Board Meeting as presented.

Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent: none

Motion carried

Public Comment:  T O’Connell, town resident, asked the board if a No Engine Braking sign could be placed on Twin Lane Road at the approach to the stop sign at Hwy 19. The loud noise from the large tankers that use this route is very annoying to them. The town does not have an engine breaking ordinance.  Before the board would discuss or adopt an ordinance, it was suggested that the resident contact Deputy Nelson to ask for increased patrol in the affected area if they felt excessive speed was a factor.  It was stated that the time of day and license plate number is necessary for officers to take any action.

Town Road Report: L Updike has been contacted by a Bailey Settlement resident, the heavy rains have eroded a gulley in the ditch and is undermining the culvert to the resident’s driveway.  D Farrell will check it out and make repairs.

Fire Advisory Board Report: L Updike went through the numbers in the Fire Department proposed budget. The board discussion was generalized and will wait for L Updike’s report from the Fire Protection Advisory Board meeting on Thursday, September 30, 2010.

Local 2011 Budget Discussion: none

Audit and Pay Bills:  The Board reviewed the invoices.  Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to pay bills as presented.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Agenda items for next meeting:

  • Sun Prairie Volunteer Fire Department dept rep and budget discussion.

Set Next Meeting Date/Business/Adjournment: The next board meetings was set for October 11 & 25, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. Budget meetings are scheduled for Thursday evenings, October 7, 21, and November 4 at 6:30 p.m. Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Voting AYE:  Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay:  none

Absent:  none

Motion carried

Correct Attest,

Claudia J. Quick, Town Clerk

Jo Ann Ramsfield, Office Assistant