Town Board Minutes for January 10, 2011

Posted: January 10, 2011

Call to Order. Chairperson L Updike called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 5556 Twin Lane Road. Supervisors V Pogue and D Yelk, Clerk C Quick, Office Assistant J Ramsfield and Road Patrolman D Farrell were present. R Fetterly, P Austin and J Bjorenson were also in attendance.

Statement of Public Notice. The chair directed that the minutes show notice of the meeting was published in the January 6, 2011 issue of The Star. Copies were posted on the three town bulletin boards on January 6, 2011.

Pledge of Allegiance: C Quick led the pledge.

Approve Minutes of Prior Meetings: Moved by V Pogue second by D Yelk, to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2010 Town Board Meeting as presented.

Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent: none

Motion carried

Presentation from the Public: none.

Town Road Report: D Farrell indicated that there were a number equipment repairs completed and the salt shed is filled again. D Yelk addressed the issue from the December meeting about snowmobile trail. He attended the snow mobile club meeting to discuss the issue on the trail near Bailey Road, between CTH N and Town Hall Drive with club members. The club members are willing to work with the town any way that they can.

Allow Public Comment, Consider and Take Action re: Zoning Petition #10268 by P Austin and J Bjorenson 3083 Bailey Road, section 19. Moved by D Yelk, second by V Pogue to approve the Zoning Petition #10268 by P Austin and J Bjorenson, 3083 Bailey Road, section 19, amended to two R-1A one acre lots, with the balance of the 7.944 acres as A4.

Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent: none

Motion carried

Consider and Take Action re: Certified Survey Map for Austin/Bjorenson. The board delayed action on CSM; amended petition requires a new CSM. The new CSM will include the area for conservation easement. No action taken.

Consider and Take Action re: Resolution Adopting Equipment Rates for Contracted Services and Ordinance Violation Assessments. Moved by D Yelk, second by V Pogue to approve Resolution Adopting Equipment Rates for Contracted Services and Ordinance Violation Assessments

Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent: none

Motion carried

Consider and Take Action re: Policy to Determine Who will Declare Road Emergency

Moved by D Yelk, second by V Pogue to approve Policy to Determine Who will Declare Road Emergency.

Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent: none

Motion carried

Consider and Comment: County Ordinance Accessory Structure Revisions. After considerable discussion the board decided to submit comments on proposed changes. The following are the comments submitted:

  • Strike permanent hunting blinds from lines 56 & 57;
  • add A4 to lines 176 & 177
  • retain Article 12
  • strike Article 14

Audit and Pay Bills. The Board reviewed the invoices. Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to pay the bills.

Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent: none

Motion carried

Old Business/New Business

L Updike:

  • Met with Village of Cottage Grove about boundary area agreement
  • Fire dept staffing task force will look at response time. The task force will submit a report to the Fire Dept Advisory board on April 1, 2011.

V Pogue: nothing new to report on EMS.


C Quick:

Letter from Dept of Revenue addressing municipalities incorrectly classifying and reporting special assessment and/or special charges on property tax bills. Town of Sun Prairie complies with WI Stats.

Agenda items for next meeting:

  • Boundary Agreement Discussion update
  • Fire Department Update

Set Next Meeting Date/Business/Adjournment. The regular board meeting was set for January 24, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.

Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue, and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent: none

Motion carried

Claudia J. Quick, Town Clerk