Plan Commission Minutes for February 21, 2011

Posted: February 21, 2011
  1. Call to Order.  The regular meeting of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following members were present:  Chairman Roger Fetterly, Dot Havens, Kevin Kleckner, John Quimby and Doug Yelk.  Excused:  Al Meyer and Judy Stang.  Also present:  Claudia Quick, Town Clerk.
  2. Public Notice.  Notice of the meeting was mailed to Plan Commission members and posted on the three Town bulletin boards on February 15, 2011.
    Approval of the minutes of previous meeting:  Hearing no objections the minutes of January 17, 2011 were approved as presented.
  3. Recess for comments by visitors:  None
  4. Public Hearing on Petition #10290 by Douglas Grenier.  Applicant proposes to rezone 1.66 acres from RH-3 Rural Home to LC-1 Limited Commercial and approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the home and business uses to comply with Dane County Code of Ordinances at 5584 CTH N in Section 16, Town of Sun Prairie.
    Testimony at Public Hearing: David Simon and his mother, Joyce Simon spoke in opposition to rezoning this property to limited commercial.  Joyce Simon lives at 5586 Hwy N adjacent to the Grenier property and shares a joint driveway with Grenier and 2 other neighbors.  Their objection was that a utility building was constructed about 2003 and used for commercial purposes without prior zoning approval and in violation of the zoning ordinances of Dane County.  Joyce Simon read a letter she wrote in 2004 addressed to Peter Conrad, Dane County Zoning Administrator seeking his assistance.  Simon received no response from Conrad.

    There was no other testimony, for or against.

  5. Consider and take action on Grenier petition.  Motion by Fetterly/Yelk recommending approval of petition #10290 by Douglas Grenier.  The petition is subject to the following conditional uses (CUP) under Section 10.01, Dane County Code of Ordinances:  Incidental indoor maintenance, 10.01(27g); Indoor storage, 10.01(27h); Light industrial, 10.01(30f); Limited rural business, 10.01(30g); Office, 10.01(40m); and Outdoor storage, 10.01(40t).  Motion carried 4-1-2.
  6. Consider and take action on a preliminary plan by Jeffrey Zimmerman.  Jeffrey Zimmerman requests approval to rezone 1.0 acres of a 39.8 acre parcel from A-1(Ex) Agricultural to R-1 Residential to separate the residence from the farm at 4973 Ridge Road in Section 36, Town of Sun Prairie.  Motion by Yelk/Quimby to approve the preliminary plan as proposed.  Motion carried.
  7. Meeting with the Village of Cottage Grove Plan Commission.  At 8:00 p.m. the Village of Cottage Grove Plan Commission met with the Town Plan Commission to present a series of 6 preliminary maps outlining a proposed boundary agreement between the Village and the Town.  The Village’s planning consultant, Larry Witzling from GRAEF and Associates, made the presentation.  In attendance for Cottage Grove were Michael Mikalsen, Chair; Arnie Mohlman, Aaron Knoploh, Jim Collins, Don Brinkmeier, Erin Ruth from GRAEF and Associates and Kim Manley, Village Administrator.  Also present for the Town of Sun Prairie were Attorney Michael O’Callaghan from Hazelbaker and Associates, Lyle Updike, Town Chair and Vern Pogue, Town Supervisor.
    The Village is proposing a new boundary agreement that would identify a large expanded area for future annexation and commercial growth into the southern part of the Town which has become a prime area for development due to the reconstruction and improvement of intersections I94, CTH TT and CTH N.

    Following the presentation questions and discussion focused on the concerns that the proposal was in conflict with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, the sustainability of our agricultural economy, our farmland preservation policies, sustaining our community culture and the financial viability of Town.  The Village President showed little or no consideration for our concerns.  The Village claims they are being approached by developers interested in developing within the proposed boundary area.  Additionally, the Village is looking to enhance its commercial and business tax base in the vicinity of the I94/CTH N interchange which has become highly desirable due to the reconstruction.

    The meeting concluded by informing the Village that the Town Plan Commission would consider their proposal and expect to respond to them after the next regular Plan Commission meeting on March 21st.

  8. Closed Session.  Motion by Fetterly/Yelk to go into closed session under Section 19.85(1)(e) Wis. Stats., for the purpose of consulting with legal council to discuss negotiation strategies related to boundary issues between the Village of Cottage Grove and the Town of Sun Prairie.  On a roll call vote, those voting Aye:  Yelk, Quimby, Fetterly, Havens and Kleckner.  Voting No: none.  Motion carried.
  9. Set Next Regular Meeting Date.   The next regular meeting date of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission is scheduled for March 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
  10. Adjournment.  The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for the record
Roger Fetterly, Chair