Town Board Minutes for April 11, 2011

Posted: April 11, 2011

Call to Order. Supervisor  D Yelk called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 5556 Twin Lane Road.  Supervisor V Pogue and, Clerk C Quick, Road Patrolman D Farrell, Treasurer C Yelk and Office Assistant J Ramsfield were present.  B Batterman and J Quimby were also present. Chair L Updike was absent.

Statement of Public Notice. The chair directed that the minutes show notice of the meeting was published in the April 7, 2011 issue of The Star. Copies were posted on the three town bulletin boards on April 8, 2011.

Pledge of Allegiance: C Quick led the pledge.

Approve Minutes of Prior Meetings: Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to approve the minutes of the March 28, 2011 Town Board Meeting as presented.

Voting AYE: Pogue and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: L Updike
Motion carried

Presentation from the Public:  B Batterman expressed concern about the natural water way that runs through his property on CTH TT and the neighbor’s culvert to the west. Brett had Birrenkott Surveying shoot the grade to confirm the natural flow.  The placement of the culvert on the neighbor’s property appears to be blocking the proper water flow causing standing water on his property.  D Yelk explained that because the property is on a county road the town has limited power and if the culvert is not in the road right-of-way this would be a civil issue between landowners.

Consider and Take Action re:  County Ordinance Amdt #37 Small scale electric generating stations.  Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to approve County Ordinance Amendment #37 Small scale electric generating stations.

Voting AYE: Pogue and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: L Updike
Motion carried

Discuss/Action re: State Budget implications for Town Budget – nothing new to report

Discuss/Action re:  Boundary Agreement Discussions with Cottage Grove – Discussions will resume with the newly elected Village President soon.

Discuss/Action re:  Village of Cottage Grove application for usa extension
D Yelk and J Quimby will attend the public hearing at with CARPC, April 14th.

Old Business/New Business

D Yelk:

  • Pierceville Rd Right-of-way: D Yelk spoke with G Seltzner over the weekend to let him know that the town decided to hire its own surveyor to survey the issue of the right-of-way boundary on Pierceville Road and G Seltzner property.  D Yelk hired D Birrenkott to locate and mark the center point in the road, at the towns’ expense.  After this is complete we will revisit discussions with G Seltzner.  The consensus of the board is to contact WTA for legal advice.
  •  Water issue: The water level is decreasing. Still unable to make contact with Midthun about the culvert and inlets in Savannah   Valley.

Audit and Pay Bills.

The Board reviewed the invoices.  Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to pay the bills.

Voting AYE: Pogue and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: L Updike
Motion carried

Correspondence – Dane County Sheriff’s Office – Calls for Service Report – Mar 1-31, 2011: 20 call for service during this time period.

Agenda Items for next meeting:

  • Discuss/Action re: State Budget implications for Town Budget
  • Discuss/Action re:  Boundary Agreement Discussions with Cottage Grove
  • Discuss/Action re:  Village of Cottage Grove application for usa extension

Set Next Meeting Date/Business/Adjournment

The next board meeting was set for April 25, 2011, at 7:00 p.m.  The Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.  Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.

Voting AYE: Pogue and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: L Updike
Motion carried

Correct Attest,

Jo Ann Ramsfield, Town Clerk