Town Board Minutes April 10, 2012

Posted: April 10, 2012

PURPOSE OF THE MEETING:  The Annual Meeting is a meeting of town electors to vote on matters that by law are required or permitted to be decided by the annual meeting.  The annual meeting may only act on those things specified by state law.

Call to Order – The 2012 Annual Meeting of the Town of Sun Prairie was called to order by Town Chair, L Updike on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.  Those present were Supervisors V Pogue & D Yelk, Treasurer C Yelk, Clerk J Ramsfield, W Dorshorst, M Mlekush, R Fetterly, and J Quimby.
Pledge of Allegiance   The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cindy Yelk.

Statement of Public Notice – The chair directed that the minutes show that notice of this meeting was posted on the three Town bulletin boards March 21, 2012.
Approve Minutes of 2011 Annual Meeting – Moved by R Fetterly, second by D Yelk to approve the annual meeting minutes as printed in the 2011 annual report.
Voting AYE:  All present
Voting NAY:  None
Absent: None
Motion carried.

Presentation from the Public – None

Review the 2011 Financial Report – Town Chairperson, L Updike invited all present to review the 2011 Financial Report for the Town of Sun Prairie. R Fetterly asked for clarification on the state of indebtness.  L Updike explained the repayment process for the monies borrowed for the road construction and maintenance. He also stated, during the bidding process, how working with other municipalities reduced costs for us and the contractor. There was also discussion about the town’s decreasing population due to the Cottage Grove annexation, the increases and decreases of the market driven recycling rebate, park fund, and the cost of veteran graves cemetery maintenance.  C Yelk commented that a copy of the cemetery map has been made and placed in the vault. In closing, any additional questions can be directed to the clerk by calling the office.

Fire Unit Report – The biggest change is the expansion of the Fire Department of 4 fulltime firemen for the day shift.  These 4 firemen will also be performing fire inspection at businesses. L Updike stated that the Town of Burke has reconsidered its position with the volunteer fire department and remain a partner for a while yet. M Mlekush introduced himself to the board; he is very excited to be among the 4 fulltime firemen.  M Mlekush will perform the Fire Extinguisher training to be held later this Spring at the Townhall.  He also mentioned that the Town of Bristol has had issues of someone posing as an inspector, “Be sure to ask for identification.”

EMS Report – Supervisor Pogue gave the EMS report.  EMS currently has 45 active members and 10 on a waiting list; only 2 are EMTs. The director continues to do a good job. EMS will look at purchasing a new ambulance.

Plan Commission Report – Summary of Land Use Decisions and Updating the Town’s Comprehensive Plan Annual Town Meeting April 10, 2012 by R Fetterly.

In 1999 the State of Wisconsin enacted the most significant revisions to our land use laws in more than a generation, which has been referred to as “Smart Growth For Wisconsin.”  Under this legislation, beginning in January 2010, local land use decisions must be consistent with the local government’s comprehensive plan and the local ordinances which are revised to conform to the comprehensive plan.  After three years of work by the Town’s Plan Commission, with input from community survey and community participation at a planning seminar, the Town of Sun Prairie adopted a comprehensive plan in October 2003 to guide the governance and development of the Town for the next 20 years.  As required by state law, the comprehensive plan addresses town issues related to land use, housing, transportation, economic development, utilities and community facilities, and agriculture, cultural and natural resources.

The two most significant guiding principles of the comprehensive plan are to: (1) Protect lands best suited for agricultural production, and (2) Limit residential development to densities and in locations that are best suited to preserving the Town’s rural character.  Under these guiding principles the Town has limited residential rezoning requests to 10 parcels per year and the use of a Land Evaluation and Site Assessment System (LESA) to analyze rezoning requests from agricultural to residential.  Additionally, the Town requires the creation of a 2-acre conservation easement for each acre rezoned from exclusive agricultural to residential.

Since 2003 the Plan Commission has considered 60 separate rezoning requests to create 317 residential or commercial/business lots.   From these 60 rezoning requests, 41 were approved creating 49 residential lots and 8 business/commercial lots which resulted in 67.56 acres being removed from exclusive agricultural zoning to residential or business/commercial zoning.  This also created 38 acres of conservation easements.  Twenty-nine of the residential lots resulted from dividing larger existing residential lots into smaller residential lots.

Of the 15 rezoning requests that were denied, 13 requests were for rezoning 370 acres from exclusive agricultural to residential to create 252 residential lots.  Most of these 252 residential lots would have been created in 5 large subdivisions.  The 2 requests for business/commercial rezoning that were denied would have removed 8 acres from exclusive agricultural zoning or prime farmland.

The Plan Commission has adopted a resolution which would amend the Comprehensive Plan for the 3rd time since it was originally adopted by the Town board in 2003.  When the revisions to the maps are completed, the amended plan will be submitted to the Town Board for a public hearing and adoption by the Board.  After Board adoption the revised plan will be submitted to Dane County for review and incorporation in the Dane County Farmland Preservation Plan.

Road Report – W Dorshorst reported that the roads wintered well and he is pleased with the new employee. C Yelk & W Dorshorst is preparing the sealcoat bid packets. The next few years will focus on road maintenance.

Amend 2012 highway budget for the purchase of new plow truck.

The purchase of a new plow truck was also discussed in length.  Moved by D Yelk, second by J Ramsfield to amend the 2012 highway budget for the purchase of a new plow truck.
Voting AYE:  All present
Voting NAY:  None
Absent: none
Motion carried.

Report on Status of Discussions with neighboring communities.

Village of Cottage Grove – .L Updike & R Fetterly have had 2 recent meetings with the Village of Cottage Grove. They have reported back to the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission and asked for direction about the talks.
Resolution to Dispose of Old and Outdated Equipment – Motion by V Pogue, second by J Quimby to adopt resolution 4-22-13 which authorizes the Town Board to dispose of the old and out-dated equipment and machinery until the date of the 2013 Annual Meeting.”
Voting AYE:  All present
Voting NAY:  None
Absent: none
Motion carried.

Set 2012 Annual Meeting Date/Adjournment – Consensus set the 2012 Annual Meeting date for the 3rd Tuesday in April 2013 at 7:00 p.m.; Moved by R Fetterly, second by to V Pogue adjourn the meeting.   The chair declared the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Voting AYE:  All Present
Voting NAY:  None
Absent: none
Motion carried.

Correct Attest,

Jo Ramsfield, Town Clerk