Town Board Minutes for June 11, 2012

Posted: June 11, 2012

Call to Order. Chairperson L Updike called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 5556 Twin Lane Road. Supervisors V Pogue and D Yelk, Clerk J Ramsfield, Treasurer C Yelk, and Patrolman W Dorshorst were present.

Statement of Public Notice. The chair directed that the minutes show notice of the meeting was posted on the three town bulletin boards on June 9,2012.

Pledge of Allegiance: V Pogue led the pledge.

Approve Minutes of Prior Meetings: deferred

Road Report: W Dorshorst reported that the mowing is underway, continue shoulder work, and slurry work should start on Thursday.  They continue to work on Tenant Road filing the problem areas with recycle blacktop and gravel.  There is a minor oil leak on the tractor that they will repair.

Consider/Take Action re: Set compensation for substitute Board of Review member for May 24, 2012 Board of Review. Moved by D Yelk, second by V Pogue to approve compensation for substitute Board of Review member for May 24, 2012 Board of Review at $50 per diem.

Voting AYE: Updike Pogue and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent: none

Motion carried

Committee Updates:

  • Fire Advisory – meeting scheduled for 6/19/12
  • EMS – nothing to report
  • Colonial Club – nothing to report
  • Plan Commission – petition 10440 by Jerome Klein was withdrawn.
  • SP/CG Boundary Area Agreement – joint meeting to be held June 18th in conjunction with Plan Commission meeting

Audit/Pay Bills: Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to approve

Voting AYE: Updike Pogue and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent: none

Motion carried

Old Business: C Yelk asked the board how they would like her to handle the bounced property tax checks.  Board consensus: C Yelk will draft a letter to the individual(s) for the board to sign and send. She also told the board we (the town staff) have ordered four semi-loads of mulch already this year and the last load is almost gone.  The honor system donations for taking the mulch has paid for each load allowing us to order the next one.

New Business: L Updike asked the clerk to check out the towns emergency management contacts and update if necessary.


  •  J Ramsfield received communication from an organizer of Cambridge Umbrella Days bike ride to be held July 28, 2012.  He has asked for permission to use Ridge Road as part of the route.  L Updike stated the board would like a copy of the route for their review and for the clerk to notify the community deputy of the event.
  • L Updike will attend the WTA Chairs meeting Wednesday, June 13th for the RPC reform efforts and dissolution of CARPC. He will also attend a meeting Thursday, June 14th at CARPC as Lakes & Watershed representative.

Set Next Meeting Date/Adjournment: The next board meetings will be June 25, 2012 at 7 pm. Moved by D Yelk, second by V Pogue to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.

Correctly Attested,

Jo Ann Ramsfield, Town Clerk

Persons needing special accommodations should contact the Clerk’s office 837-6688 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.