Plan Commission Minutes for January 21, 2013

Posted: January 21, 2013
  1. Call to Order.  The regular meeting of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m.  The following members were present:  Chairman Roger Fetterly, Jane Fiala, Dot Havens, Doug Yelk and John Quimby.  Absent: Alan Meyer and Paul Stang.
  2. Public Notice.  Notice of the meeting was mailed to Plan Commission members and posted on the three Town bulletin boards on January 15, 2013.
  3. Approval of the minutes of previous meeting.  Hearing no objections, minutes of the December 17, 2012 Plan Commission meeting were approved as submitted.
  4. Recess for comments by visitors:  No public comments were presented.
  5. Consider and take action on a preliminary plan by Margaret and John Fieumefreddo. Petitioners request preliminary approval to divide and existing RH-2 Rural Homes 5.129 acre parcel into a 3.129 acre RH-2 parcel and a 2.0 acre RH-2 parcel to make the smaller parcel available for sale to a prospective buyer to build a new residence at 5386 Town Hall Drive in Section 22, Town of Sun Prairie.  Motion by Havens/Quimby recommending approval.  Motion carried.
  6. Consider and take action on a preliminary request by John Wood.  Petitioner requests preliminary approval to amend the deed restrictions for compliance purposes on a C-2 Commercial parcel at 2523 CTH T in Section 21, Town of Sun Prairie.

    Motion by Yelk/Fiala recommending approval with deed restrictions limited to the following permitted uses.
    a.       Major repair to motor vehicles
    b.      Sales of new and used motor vehicles
    c.       Truck and bus terminal
    d.      Parking or storing no more than 10 motor vehicles and only on the southern half of the parcel.
    And a conditional use permit for a residence for the watchman or caretaker.
    Motion carried.

  7. Review Village of Cottage Grove boundary agreement issues.  Reviewed issues to be discussed at the next meeting with the Village of Cottage Grove President.
  8. Set Next Regular Meeting Date.   The next regular meeting date of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission is scheduled for February 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
  9. Adjournment.  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for the record.

Roger Fetterly, Chair