Town Board Minutes for July 14, 2014

Posted: July 14, 2014

Call to Order – Regular Town Meeting was called to order by Town Chair, L Updike at 7 p.m.; present were Supervisors V Pogue and D Yelk, Clerk J Ramsfield, and Treasurer C Yelk. Others present were R Statz, T Scheiwe, D Bauer, T Jones, J Raftery, R Fetterly, A & D Stamsta, D & J Hue, E Conrath, C Williamson, B Miller, and J & J Gehrmann.

Statement of Public Notice – The chair directed that the minutes show that notice of this meeting was posted on the website and three Town bulletin boards July 8 and updated July 12, 2014.

Pledge of Allegiance – The Pledge of Allegiance was led by V Pogue.

Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting – Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to approve minutes from the June 23, 2014 board meeting.

Public Comment – none

Consider/Take Action re: Holding Tank Agreement for 5707 Hwy VV.  The board members reviewed the reports submitted by Statz Brothers for a holding tank at their new milking parlor at 5707 Hwy VV.  R Statz, representing Statz Brothers, Inc, explained to the board members the reason for the holding tank. R Statz also stated that after construction is complete, the area may be evaluated for a septic system. Moved by D Yelk second by V Pogue to approve a holding tank for the new milking parlor at 5707 Hwy VV, Marshall, WI 53559.

Voting AYE: Updike Pogue and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Abstain: none

Motion carried

Consider/Take Action re: Parking of Motor home, D Bauer, 4688 Pierceville Rd. D Bauer presented a weight ticket from Truckers Inn, DeForest, WI showing that the gross weight of his motor home is under the legal limit for the current zoning for his property at 4688 Pierceville Rd. Board consensus: action for rezone is null. No Action taken

Consider/Take Action re: Rezone request from R-1 Residential to LC-1 Limited Commercial and a conditional use permit, L Gomez, 2545 Kenneth Ct. L Updike stated for the record that this was the first time the board had heard this request, the request was made verbally to L Updike by L Gomez. The public hearing was held by the Plan Commission June 16th. L Gomez has asked the town board to reconsider his request and override the Plan Commission denial. All persons were encouraged to speak. L Gomez was not present to speak on his behalf. 12 neighbors of L Gomez were present, T Scheiwe, T Jones, J Raftery, A & D Stamsta, D & J Hue, E Conrath, C Williamson, B Miller and J & J Gehrmann, opposing the rezone. Each board member responded listing the reasons to uphold the Plan Commission denial. Moved by D Yelk second by V Pogue to deny rezone request from R-1 Residential to LC-1 Limited Commercial and a conditional use permit, for L Gomez, 2545 Kenneth Ct.; upholding the Plan Commission denial.
Voting AYE: Updike Pogue and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried

Consider/Take Action re: Reappointment of Al Meyer & Jane Fiala to the Plan Commission for a 3 year term expiring July 1, 2017. Moved by V Pogue second by D Yelk to approve the reappointment of Al Meyer & Jane Fiala to the Plan Commission for a 3 year term expiring July 1, 2017.

Voting AYE: Updike Pogue and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Abstain: none

Motion carried

Committee Updates

  • Fire – D Yelk:  met with the City of Sun Prairie consultant hired to evaluate the city having a full-time paid fire department. D Yelk told the consultant that the Town of Sun Prairie will remain with the volunteer fire department; the town will not pay the fire service from the city.
  • EMS – V Pogue: everything is going well, both ambulances are frequently out at the same time, and runs are ahead of last year.
  • PC – R Fetterly: there is nothing new to report; no July meeting is scheduled.
  • Parks – committee is working on a land purchase proposal, no completion date set. Also planning for an equipment purchase for maintaining the park trails.
  • Farm Tech Days – nothing new to report

Old Business/New Business/Correspondence:

  • Prepay LP contract for the winter season 2014-15.
  • Water ponding on Bomkamp Circle.
  • GPS for LaRue Fields Dr & Norton Dr
  • Public Hearing: compliance with the adopted Dane County Farmland Preservation Plan per SS 91.38
  • Public Hearing: repeal and recreation of Chapter 17: Floodplan Zoning Ordinance
  • Village of Cottage Grove amended comprehensive plan
  • Meeting: Master Planning Process for McCarthy Youth & Conservation County Park July 16th

Audit/Pay Bills. L Updike asked the clerk to include a wage report reflecting wages paid July 9th with the usual vendor report. Moved by V Pogue second by D Yelk to approve payment of bills as presented.

Voting AYE: Updike Pogue and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Abstain: none

Motion carried

Items for next meeting agenda

  • EMS – follow up of GPS conversation

Set Next Meeting Date/Adjournment: The next board meeting will be July 28, 2014 at 7p.m.  Moved by D Yelk, second by V Pogue to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue and Yelk

Voting Nay: none

Absent: none

Motion carried

Correctly Attested,

Jo Ann Ramsfield, Town Clerk