Plan Commission Minutes August 15, 2016

Posted: September 20, 2016

Call to Order.  The regular meeting of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following members were present:  Chairman Roger Fetterly, Jane Fiala, Dot Havens, Alan Meyer, Paul Stang, John Quimby and Doug Yelk.  Also present:  John Schiltz and Al Kelly.

Public Notice.  Notice of the meeting was mailed to Plan Commission members and posted on the three Town bulletin boards on August 10, 2016.

Approve the minutes of previous meeting.  Hearing no objections, the July 18, 2016 minutes were approved as submitted.

Consider and take action on a preliminary plan by John and Sarah Schiltz to rezone 2 acres of a 32.84 acre parcel from A-1(Ex) Agricultural to R-1 Residential to separate a residential parcel from the rest of the farm for a new single family home at 2969 Highway T in Section 30, Town of Sun Prairie.

Discussion considered the following issues:
The proposed parcel is all prime farmland according to NRCS Soils Survey map
The LESA score of 92.9 exceeds the 73 above which residential rezoning is not approved
The parcel is adjacent to navigable stream which requires a 75 ft setback for any development
Parcel within 300 ft in shoreland  district requiring compliance with shoreland permitting

After considering the issues, no action was taken to approve the request

Set Next Regular Meeting Date.   The next regular meeting date of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission is scheduled for September 19, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Adjournment.  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for the record,

Roger Fetterly, Chair