Town Board Minutes, 9/26/16

Posted: November 3, 2016

Call to Order: Chairperson L Updike called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 5556 Twin Lane Road. Supervisors V Pogue and D Yelk, Clerk J Ramsfield, Treasurer C Yelk, and J Seltzner were present.

Statement of Public Notice: Record in the minutes that the notice of this meeting was posted on the three Town bulletin boards and website on September 22, 2016.

Pledge of Allegiance: J Ramsfield led the pledge.

Approve Minutes from prior meeting: Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to approve the minutes from 9/12/2016
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Public Comment: None

Budget Work Sessions Schedule: The board members discussed the dates listed on the preliminary budget work session calendar. The schedule below reflects the changes made by the board members. No approval needed, no action taken. 

Oct 4 Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Budget
Oct 10 Monday 6:00 p.m. Regular Board meeting
Oct 13 Thursday 8:00 a.m. Budget
Oct 20 Thursday 8:00 a.m. Budget
Oct 24 Monday 6:00 p.m. Regular Board meeting
Oct 27 Thursday 8:00 a.m. Budget
Nov 14 Monday 6:00 p.m. Budget Public Hearing
Nov 14 Monday 6:15 p.m. Spec Electors Meeting
Nov 14 Monday 6:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
Items pertaining to budget may also be discussed at the following Board meetings.  Budget discussion would be noted on the particular agenda: October  10 & 24, 2016

Consider/take action: Opting Out of Dane County Zoning pursuant to Section 60.23(34).  L Updike gave D Yelk & R Fetterly an edited copy of the new draft of the Zoning Ordinance. The 3 will meet asap to go over the changes and edit the existing town plan.

Committee Updates
Fire Unit: D Yelk reported that he attended the 125th Anniversary parade & celebration at Angell Park. D Yelk also discussed the Fire Chief’s proposed budget for 2017. The Chief will be making budget adjustments downward. D Yelk spoke to the city mayor and reports that the City of Sun Prairie Mayor fully supports the volunteer fire department.
EMS: V Pogue reported that the consolidation research is ongoing. A meeting will be held 9/28/16 for more discussion; no action.
Plan Commission (PC): D Yelk reported that the PC heard a petition from 4587 County Road TT, Heinemann property, shifting of property lines between adjacent land owners. The PC requests the water runoff from the property be taken care of before they will approve the petition.
Parks: D Yelk reported that the park committee outing date was changed to October15 at Generations Park. The parking lot was compacted and the main trail widen on September 17th work day.

Audit/Pay Bills: Moved by V Pogue, second by D Yelk to approve the bills as presented.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried 

Old Business/New Business/Correspondence: None

Set Next Meeting Date/Adjournment: The next board meeting will be October 10, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.  Moved by V Pogue to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Voting AYE: Updike, Pogue and Yelk
Voting Nay: none
Absent: none
Motion carried

Jo Ann Ramsfield, Town Clerk