Plan Commission Minutes, November 21, 2016

Posted: December 21, 2016

Call to Order.  The regular meeting of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m.  The following members were present:  Chairman Roger Fetterly, Jane Case, Dot Havens, John Quimby and Doug Yelk.  Absent: Alan Meyer, Paul Stang,   Also present:  Town Chairman Lyle Updike.

Public Notice.  Notice of the meeting was mailed to Plan Commission members and posted on the three Town bulletin boards on November 15, 2016.

Approve the minutes of previous meeting.  Hearing no objections, the October 17, 2016 minutes were approved as submitted.

Public Hearing on Heinemann Petition.  Allow public comment on petition #11051 Heinemann Rentals & Investments LLC, to rezone 0.32 acres of a 34.8 acre parcel from A-1(Ex) Agricultural to C-1 Commercial to bring the area being rezoned into compliance for its existing commercial use at 4587 Highway TT in Section 33, Town of Sun Prairie 

No one appear for public comment

Consider and take action on Heinemann petition.   Motion by Yelk/Quimby to approve petition #11051 with the requirement that any additional paving/impervious surfaces requires prior approval of the Town Board.  Motion carried.

Lyle Updike provided an update on the progress of the Dane County Towns Association (DCTA) committee drafting a zoning ordinance for towns considering withdrawing from Dane County zoning.

Draft 6.1 of the DCTA proposed zoning ordinance was reviewed and discussed in detail.

Proposed changes to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan to conform to Town zoning under the proposed DCTA zoning ordinance were reviewed and discussed in detail.

A proposed Town of Sun Prairie Official Map and a Town Zoning Map required as part of proposed Town zoning ordinance was reviewed.

Motion by Quimby/Yelk to present the proposals in items 7, 8 and 9 above at a public hearing on December 19 where residents will be given the opportunity to comment on those proposals.

Set Next Regular Meeting Date.   The next regular meeting date of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission is scheduled for December 19, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Adjournment.  The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for the record,
Roger Fetterly, Chair