Plan Commission Minutes, April 17, 2017

Posted: May 22, 2017

Call to Order.  The regular meeting of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following members were present:  Chair, Roger Fetterly, Jane Case, Dot Havens, Allen Meyer, John Quimby and Paul Stang.  Absent: Doug Yelk.

Public Notice.  Notice of the meeting was mailed to Plan Commission members and posted on the three Town bulletin boards on April 11, 2017.

Approval of the minutes of previous meeting:  Minutes of the February 20, 2017 Plan Commission meeting were approved as submitted.

Recess for comments by visitors:  No public comments were presented.

Consider and take action on a preliminary plan by Joan Rademacher to rezone 2.25 acres of a 4.74 acre lot (Lot 1 of CSM 9522, date 11/22/99) from RH-2 Rural Homes to RH-1 Rural Homes to divide the original lot into two separate RH-1 lots to offer for sale at Charles Hahn Drive, Section 22, Town of Sun Prairie.

Discussion considered the following information:

  1. The definition of a Certified Survey Map: A recorded division of land into 4 or less lots of less than 15 acres, not a Subdivision.
  2. The definition of a Subdivision is creation of: 5 or more lots of 15 acres each or less in area; or 5 or more lots of 15 acres each or less in area by successive divisions within a 5 year period.
  3. Stats., 236.34(1)(bm): A certified survey map may be used to change the boundaries of lots and outlots within a recorded plat, recorded assessor’s plat under s. 70.27, or a recorded certified survey map if the reconfiguration does not result in a subdivision or violate a local ordinance or resolution.
  4. CSM 9522 is a 4 lot land division of CSM 7432, which was a 4 lot land division created 6/05/90.
  5. Ten residential lots have been created on this 36 acre farm since 1990 without regard to the orderly layout and use of land.
  6. Good land use practices would require that these land divisions comply with State and local subdivision regulations.

The PC needed more information to determine which land division laws were applicable to the proposal.

Motion by Fetterly/Havens to table the proposal to give the applicant time to address the issues raised.   Vote:  3 ayes, 3 noes, 1 absent.  Motion failed.

Motion by Stang/Quimby to approve the proposal as originally submitted.  Vote:  0 Ayes, 6 Noes, 1 Absent.  Proposal failed to get approval.

Set Next Regular Meeting Date.   The next regular meeting date of the Town of Sun Prairie Plan Commission is scheduled for May 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

Adjournment.  The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for the record.

Roger Fetterly, Chair